Lev Podbregar and Črtomir Perharič Bailey started their summer project on using a linear actuator for imaging of cold atoms.
We use optical tweezers based on time-multiplexed acousto-optic deflectors to trap ultra-cold cesium atoms in one-dimensional arrays of atomic ensembles. For temperatures between 2.5 μK…
Congratulations to dr. Tadej Mežnaršič for successfully defending his doctoral dissertation! The thesis, titled Cesium Bose-Einstein condensates in confined geometries, can be accessed online.
“Cold Atoms in Space: Community Workshop Summary & Roadmap” is now available on arXiv.
Congratulations to Katja Gosar on her recent successful defense of her Masters thesis The use of optical tweezers in experiments with cold atoms and Bose-Einstein…
Vesna Pirc Jevšenak started her summer project on quantum memory.
Our paper Single-shot Stern-Gerlach magnetic gradiometer with an expanding cloud of cold cesium atoms was published in Physical Review A today!
A novel method for detecting the gradient of a magnetic field uses an elongated cloud of cesium atoms cooled near the absolute zero. Since the…
Peter Jeglič and Rok Žitko offer insight into quantum technologies in Val 202’s science podcast ‘Frekvenca X’.
Rok Žitko and Peter Jeglič deliver a lecture as a part of the European Quantum Week.