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Preparation of ultra-cold atomic-ensemble arrays using time-multiplexed optical tweezers

Our paper Preparation of ultra-cold atomic-ensemble arrays using time-multiplexed optical tweezers was published in Phys. Rev. A!

We use optical tweezers based on time-multiplexed acousto-optic deflectors to trap ultra-cold cesium atoms in one-dimensional arrays of atomic ensembles. For temperatures between 2.5 μK and 50 nK we study the maximal time between optical tweezer pulses that retains the number of atoms in a single trap. This time provides an estimate on the maximal number of sites in an array of time-multiplexed optical tweezers. We demonstrate evaporative cooling of atoms in arrays of up to 25 optical tweezer traps and the preparation of atoms in a box potential. Additionally, we demonstrate three different protocols for the preparation of atomic-ensemble arrays by transfer from an expanding ultra-cold atomic cloud. These result in the preparation of arrays of up to 74 atomic ensembles consisting of ∼100 atoms on average.

Find the full article at Phys. Rev. A 106, 022604 and arXiv:2203.11617.